

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hey, hey!

Hi everybody! I have some announcements.

#1: I really apologize for the small size of the comic images. Unfortunately, I don't think I can change the size of the images as of yet. If you do know how to change image size of Blogger, tell me, please! I want my comics to be more enjoyable.

#2: PLEASE PROMOTE OR RECOMMEND THIS COMIC SERIES! Although I intend no actual profit (as in money), I would very much like it if this comic had more attention. If you like the comic, please share it. It would help me out a lot to know someone really likes the series and wants to see more comics/asks/omake.

#3: Once a month I might post an omake, or cut-out scene. These will either depict the characters breaking the fourth wall and complaining about my comic preferences, or will be about the characters' side shenanigans. Who knows, it might come up soon.

#4: As school starts again and I get a new sketchbook I might post an actual doujin on here that retells a mystery for the gang. It'll be slightly darker and less set on humor because it is a crime mystery and stuff, but if I either find out how to scan things or I actually find efficient software to make a real manga comic. I'll try my best!

Anyway, hope you guys have a great week! I'll see you all this Friday!
Patchwork Study, out!

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